David Rath case
David Rath as Governor of the Central Region and member of the Central Region to approve all materials relating to investment projects of regional hospitals in Central Region to the Council
Central Bohemian Region, the management authority of the sole shareholder at the general meeting
regional hospitals in Central Region, limited liability companies and also directly submit himself all materials on applications for grants for individual investment projects for regional hospitals in the Central Region Council The Central Region, in connection with the awarding authorities of the Central Regional Hospital counties, corporations and authority of the Central Region, whose course was affected always in favor of one of the pre-selected competitors MD. Temper, MD. Kott and Novanská as described above, the influence on the course of public contracts for bribes, MD. Rath knew he was with understand himself and his corroborant accused, MD. Temper, MD. Kotta contributed to the achievement of this described the prosecution of crime and at the same time as governor and member of the Central Region alone submitted materials related to the course of a procurement, including materials related to the proposed method of financing these investments, therefore, as an official in relation to specific, as described above way affected and described tendering procedures, a mutual agreement had promise from MD. Temper and MD. Kotta takeover sum total of CZK 22,011,186, while that of the promised amount from both of these defendants actually received cash in the amount of CZK 16,011,186 as its share of bribes previously assumed MD. Pancová and MD. Kott representatives from the affected competitors for the award procedure
the rest of his share from the already promised a bribe in the amount of 22,011,186 CZK missed due to take over his detention by the police.
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